Friday, May 3, 2013

My Ghost Adventure.

yes! eureka! it is formed! my own ever ghost adventure team!

like the name of my alter ego, I'm into spooks stuff.
ghost, spirits, supernatural, you name it, I like it!
fragile memory told me that when I've started to like them when I've watch Silent Hill the movie.
that was a good movie alright from game to a movie!
after that ever since, the spark of likeness start burning in me.

I've read books, listen different stories from time to time,
watched some movies and tv shows, all sort of information about them,
the other world!

I even did two project about them in my college moment. ha!
one I did in diploma, bring out the malaysian culture & festival: the hungry ghost festival,
one in degree, some book about seventh lunar month.

it was fun, I enjoyed it.

and the happiest moment was, I met some friends that like these stuff too!
likes, how deep do they likes I wonder. :p

aight skip the bullshit.
recently a besgt friend of mine has recovered and coming back.
he too a spooks fan! and yes I'ma form a team with him!
we gonna capture some photos or even video footage all around spooks place we could found!

I've invited a few, but sadly, most of them are chicken shit and "advice giver", which makes me feel lame.
there's one even hoes before bros! that's really making me mad on thier nonsence replied.
I know what I'm doing, I know where I'm going so let me be and when I'm famous don't tell others that you know me you coward mcchickenshit! >:p

till then, waiting for updates!
Joseph Yap, 2013.

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