Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tavros Travel With Rocket Chair In Space. (永遠にループ)

#space #travel #rocket #chair #injured #tavrosnitram #homestuck #andrewhussie #troll #adiostoreador #pageofbreath #taurus #lancekind #landofsandandzephyr

another gif I did while something happy happen on me~
my mood is like this when the text ringtones rang in~

any who, it's still a troll from homestuck name Tavros Nitram by Andrew Hussie.
enjoy the gif. peace. :))

Joseph "spooky" Yap, 2013.

Space Travel in Rocket Chair!

#space #travel #rocket #chair #injured #tavrosnitram #homestuck #andrewhussie #troll #adiostoreador #pageofbreath #taurus #lancekind #landofsandandzephyr

working whole day and had a headache.
for the first time the pain made me have to lay on bed...!!
guess getting older now the body ain't strong no more... T v T

no matter!
I still workout everyday!
Pain! Gain! Strong!

ohh it's a troll from homestuck name Tavros Nitram by Andrew Hussie.
enjoy the gif. peace. :))

Joseph "spooky" Yap, 2013.

Friday, September 13, 2013

rap song lyric 101.

so I chat with my midnight buddy part time zombie often lately! Ha!
one night she ain't no reply me so i got worried.
she told me she just wanna sleep in early. relief! better than pink eyes ain't it?

since it sounds so rhythm so I comes out with this lyrics!
and yes we LOL. x)

Joseph "spooky" Yap.