what's the situation now? rush rush rush hours dowh! xD
everyone's doing their best shoot I guess, stay strong my humans domo friends!
after this, everything will be fine!
ok, no homework, let's talk bout something else.
I'm happy to see the world walked by the couple, the boyfriend/girlfriend couple I mean here.
it's beautiful, it's love :)
but!! I don't know why, I feel annoyed by one couple in my college,
I don't know, they just ain't no look good in my eyes. xP
ohh yea! you guys know what?! I encounter their act, fucked up act last night while waiting cab!
how do you do when you need a cab? wait till it stop? fuck no!
I fucking wave it to stop and get in!
you know how the couple do? they chit chat a'lil bit there, I'm fine with it,
same they;re waiting cab within the line, fine with me as well,
BUT! you guys know how the fuck the boy wave for cab?
his hand was fucking full with bags and stuff, he just shake his heavy bag just like that,
not even lifting it up the arm/hand. ==
I mean, you can fucking put down your shit and wave for your fucking cab, aint it?!
what makes me mad here was, there's couple of cab pass by but with empty costumer inside
of it, that's really a waste for someone like me waiting for a cab under the god damn sun!
fuck it! wish I won't encounter them under the same sun,
under the same cab stop, under the same moment, if not!
I'ma witchca them die! die die die! :P
peace out! =)